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If donating by check, please mail to Presbytery of Carlisle, 2601 N Front St, Suite 209, Harrisburg PA 17110 (write “Intertwined” in the memo)
Support our mission
Whether you are part of our community or not, please consider supporting our ministry at Intertwined.
From Pastor Kevin:
I grew up in the church and have been fortunate to be a part of faith communities where I was accepted and loved. Sadly, that has not been the experience for too many people. An increasing number have not grown up in the church, and so the message and worship does not resonate with them. Others have been hurt by their church community and stopped attending. Others have been frustrated by the church’s inaction on the climate catastrophe. Others question the existence of church buildings that are only used one day a week.
Intertwined was created with those people in mind—those who are intrigued by the message of Jesus but have not had good experiences with organized religion. Those who want to be a part of a faith community, but have not found one where they feel comfortable. And those who simply encounter the divine more easily outdoors.
Intertwined takes the concept of a faith community public, meeting outdoors or in other public spaces. We offer a different type of gathering experience, one that is not focused on dogma and tradition, but does offer space for meaningful rituals to form. We welcome honest discussion about scripture and the church, and offer opportunities for service and action.
Do you believe in our mission? If so, please consider setting up a recurring donation to Intertwined. Whether just $5 per month or more, we will be grateful for your contribution.
We are blessed to have launched with support from 1001 New Worshiping Communities of PCUSA, the Presbytery of Carlisle, the Synod of the Trinity, and Market Square Presbyterian Church, but we hope to achieve sustainability going forward. Please consider joining them as a donor.
Thank you!